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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday March 19

Hi Friends,
Sorry it has been a while.  Keith is continuing to recover at a steady pace.  Yesterday I spoke with the Neuropsychologist and he was smiling when he said "Im so impressed with how he is coming along."  He said that Keith will continue to progress rapidly in the next 3-6 months  Stroke victims do continue to improve as the years go on. Keith has been given an extension and will not be coming home on the 24th.  He is doing so well with the Therapy they want to continue.   The biggest issue right now is that Mr. Keith is getting quite confident with his wheelchair transfers and thinking he can just move around all the time.  This is really dangerous for him right now, his risk of falling is high.  They had to move his room right across from the nurses station to keep close tabs on him.  I am going to need more help starting next week.  As much as Keith doesn't want visitors his safety is the most important thing. I am there until about 3 each day, but I will need a single person to come around 4 or 5(M-F) and just stay maybe an hour.  This is his down time and he may sleep but if not he needs a walk( in the wheelchair) outside or just a change of scenery.  He is bored with the food choices so if you could bring him something healthy or homemade as a snack that would be great.  No fried or spicy food please.   I will put Pat Gabler back in charge of making a schedule.   Thank you for your continued prayers.  God is an awesome healer!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wed. March 9th

Hi Everyone,
Today was another step in the right direction.  Keith worked so hard in PT from 7am on.  His Physical Therapist is so motivated and said he can barely keep up with him.  He created a sling out of rubber bands to assist him in walking down the hall with a walker.  We also saw some right side movement in the fingers and wrist.  Keith continues to improve daily with the speech,  however this will be his biggest challenge.  The therapist explained his situation as if his brain is a library and a tornado came and spread all the books around.  They are all in there but it will take time to get them all organized again.  He is in good spirits and is eating well.  Today he wanted to go outside and enjoy the fresh air.  We are working toward more time up than in bed and today seemed like a turning point in that direction.  If his mood continues to improve he may welcome a few visitors this weekend.  I will keep you posted on that.  Im trying to keep video's coming on Facebook so you can all see his improvement first hand.  Thank you for praying for us everyday. We feel the love and support and thank God for all he is showing us in this experience.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday March 6

Here is a quick update for today.  Keith was upgraded to a regular diet today which is good news, however he is being kept on a healthy diet low in saturated fat and sugar.  The doctors explained that he is going to have to make lifestyle changes to lower his risk for another stroke.  He had PT around 11:15 and speech therapy as well.  His speech therapist does feel that his memory and intelligence is intact but he is still unable to speak(aphasia).  She explained it to me as if he is in a foreign country and doesn't speak the language.  He may know what he wants to say, but those words don't come out.  He is following most conversations that we have but cannot really respond appropriately. We are communicating with gestures and a few words.   This is SO Frustrating for everyone involved, especially Keith.   My Aunt Marsha cut his hair and we sat and watched Eat, Pray, Love.  He has indicated that he doesn't want visitors.  I know he doesn't want to be seen in this state. I will ask him again tomorrow.   I still continue to see improvement every day and ask for your continued prayers for his 100% recovery...Thank you all for loving us.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I started to feel bad about my last post.  I don't want to seem like I am not happy to see all of you.  We have so much love from RFD, family and friends.  I am so thankful for that.  Just visit when you feel the time is right.  God is in charge of the timing.

Saturday March 6

Its a new day.  Keith had a busy first week in rehab and yesterday was really intense.  I saw a glimmer of life in that arm and leg and that was very exciting.  They had him standing quite a bit and doing exercises that force those muscles that are sleeping to respond.  He wanted to go for a stroll through the halls and spent a few minutes looking at himself in the mirror.  He seemed pleased with how he looked.  We had a lot of visitors and I finally realized that Keith might be fine with that but it is exhausting to ME.  I have to be his voice and spending an additional hour talking for him and explaining his situation is really a big job. So I think from now on if visitors come I will go.  I cant keep a schedule of who is coming it is just one more thing to do.  I have to save my energy for Keith.  Thank you for continued prayers for 100% recovery.  I Love you all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday March 2nd

Hi Everyone.  Today is a quiet day at the Rehab center.  Keith has finished 2 sessions of PT and OT and Speech Therapy.  He ate a big lunch and even enjoyed one of Chief Esparza's wife's fabulous cookies.  He is resting watching TV.  His demeanor has changed a bit today.  He is acting a little childish and smiling a lot which is nice to see.  He loved seeing our dog yesterday and I really think animals have such a gentle healing nature.  They have told us he will probably be here another 3 weeks before being released into outpatient rehab.  I am feeling so blessed to have him alive and looking like the man I married. Thank you to everyone that is helping our family through this difficult time.  I am amazed at how everyone has just been there at the right time.  I am going to try to have visitors (poss 2 per day) start coming during the down time after his therapy is completed. Visiting during the peak hours of his therapy is too tiring for him.  Each day we receive the schedule in the morning so once I know it we can post the best time for visitors. Pat Gabler is going to help me organize visitors (760)220-1024. I am looking forward to seeing all of you and so is Keith...Thank you for your prayers for 100% recovery.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday March 1

Feeling refreshed and ready for another day. Keith keeps getting stronger each day.  The Physical Therapist wants to add another session per day just for stretching.  Lets face it he never got around to that in the gym..The flexibility will help him regain control of his upper body while standing.  He is working so hard and that is why rest is so important.  The visiting is helpful too.  It boosts his spirits but it has to be timed just right.  Each day he gets a schedule and if varies.  If you want to see him you have to check with Dennis, myself or someone before just showing up. There is a lounge in the facility which is a nice meeting place.  You are always welcome to come there and hang out and wait for an appropriate time to see Keith.  He does respond so well to seeing familiar faces but sometimes it gets overwhelming Im sure. Thank you for your continued prayers..We love you all...